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"{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}\nimport Data.Hashable\nimport Data.Hashable.Lifted\nimport GHC.Generics (Generic)\n\ndata Foo\n = Foo1 Int Char Bool\n | Foo2 String ()\n deriving (Generic)\n\ninstance Hashable Foo\n\ndata Bar = Bar Double Float\n deriving (Generic)\n\ninstance Hashable Bar\n\n-- printHash :: (Hashable a, Show a) => a -> IO ()\n-- printHash = print . hash\n\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = do\n putStrLn \"Hashing Foo1\"\n print . hash $ Foo1 22 'y' True\n putStrLn \"Hashing Foo2\"\n print . hash $ Foo2 \"hello\" ()\n putStrL"

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