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"\\begin{code}\n{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}\n{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}\nmodule Main (main) where\n\n#ifndef MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest\n#define MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest(x,y,z) 0\n#endif\n\n#if MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest(1,0,0)\n\nimport Distribution.Extra.Doctest ( defaultMainWithDoctests )\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = defaultMainWithDoctests \"doctests\"\n\n#else\n\n#ifdef MIN_VERSION_Cabal\n-- If the macro is defined, we have new cabal-install,\n-- but for some reason we don't have cabal-doctest in package-db\n--\n-- Probably we are running ca"

Casa is a service provided by the Haskell Foundation │ Originally developed by FP Complete